Lennon Richards Blog

iPad kid, hobbyist photographer, writer, reader, and occasional baseball coach.

The Posting Paradox

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“To post or not to post, that is the question”. - William Shakespeare (kind of)

We’ve all been there, firing up our latest tweet and pondering for a second our intentions. “Am I just posting this to post something, or do I think this will actually help people?”

I’ve been on both sides of this paradox and everywhere in between throughout my professional career. In fact, my first-ever job offer in baseball came at the end of a 30-day consecutive posting spree on Instagram while subsequently receiving the coolest news of my career without so much as a retweet about it (see here).

As I’ve matured (says the 24-year-old pompously), I find myself posting less and less. Sure, it’s generally stemmed from a feeling of burnout - but I think it also comes as a direct result of me consuming less and less content in my industry.

Let’s face it, there’s so much goddam noise in baseball it gets hard to stomach at times. Go ahead, open up your For You Page. Chances are you’ll find half a dozen mechanical breakdowns of some pro arm by a coach that has never worked with said player. While you’re at it, you’ll probably find some new drill that you definitely need to incorporate into your routine to fix your back leg.

I say this without judgment as I  was once that creator. There’s a ridiculous amount of pressure to stay “relevant” and an almost gravitational pull to do what everyone else is doing. I’m sure many in other industries can relate.

But most of the content out there is just noise.

Loud, unfiltered, undistinguishable, unoriginal noise.

It’s so easy to take a few videos of some high-profile athlete’s training day; giving a “peek” into their process, but tremendously harder to articulate the program's design and theory.

If you’ve followed me for a while now you’ve probably noticed this shift in my content. It’s obviously less frequent, however of higher quality (I think).

Some of these threads I’ve written have literally taken me weeks to craft. Not because the content itself is by any means revolutionary; but because my goal is literally to share exactly how I do what I do. Nothing more, and nothing less.

I’m no longer trying to make myself sound like the next coach poised to be picked up by a pro-ball organization. Nor am I trying to sell athletes on “my program”.

I just post what I’m thinking.

Maybe, just maybe, that will help someone. At the very least, it’s my own goddam thoughts.

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